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Here is a list of plays that made him into a Thespian Star & that he has been in during his theater days along with the photos from his High School plays and demo reels from one of the plays he did after high school at Just The Funny.

He played as Uncle Diego for the Christmas Improv Jam

He played as the Great & Powerful Oz.

He played as Anaretto in "Condemned for Mistrust"(which is the correct translation) for Tirso De Molina's play; "Damned by Despair."

He played as Yertle the Turtle

After graduating high school and graduating college, he has been portraying many different characters in different scenes in every student play for Just the Funny.
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Stage Combat 2 - 3rd Final Performance Scene with Broad Swords
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Stage Combat 1 - 2nd Final Performance Scene with Rapier Swords
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Stage Combat 1 - 1st Final Performance Scene with Quarter-staffs
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